Pending Users
This section shows all users that are pending moderation.
You can accept or reject a user by clicking the relevant button.
Scroll horizontally to view table on smaller screens
Name & Contact
HCPC / Registration
Profession & Organisation
Address & Country
{{ user.nickname }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ user.hcpc }}
{{ user.profession }}
{{ user.organisation }}
{{ user.address }}
{{ }}
Accepted Users
This section shows all users that have been accepted.
If you have accepted a user in error; you can manually delete their account
via tha admin dashboard.
You will need to inform the user of the error as an automatic email would have
been sent that informed them of their acceptance.
Scroll horizontally to view table on smaller screens
Name & Contact
HCPC / Registration
Profession & Organisation
Address & Country
{{ user.nickname }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ user.hcpc }}
{{ user.profession }}
{{ user.organisation }}
{{ user.address }}
{{ }}
Rejected Users
This section shows all users that have been rejected.
If you have rejected a user in error then that user will have to reapply.
Scroll horizontally to view table on smaller screens
Name & Contact
HCPC / Registration
Profession & Organisation
Address & Country
{{ user.nickname }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ user.hcpc }}
{{ user.profession }}
{{ user.organisation }}
{{ user.address }}
{{ }}
You need to login to an account in order to view this page.
If you do not have an account and believe you should have one; please contact us.
The account that you have logged into is unable to moderate users.
If you have another account; please try logging into that instead.
If you believe that you should have access; please contact us.
{{ }}
{{ }}
Scoliosis Trained Clinicians
Below is a list of clinicians who have had scoliosis training.
There are currently no scoliosis trained clinicians listed.
Add Clinician to List
If a clinician has been scoliosis trained enter their email below and add them to the list. Note - once the user has been added an email notification will be sent to to inform them that this clinician is scoliosis trained and can be added to Magento.
Trainee Reporting
Manually generate trainee report and receive as attachment in an email.