Ian Turner standing in his kitchen. He is smiling and leaning one hand on the counter top

“After my stroke I wasn’t sure if I would be able to work again but my  DMO glove helped me to make that step and return to work whilst managing the physical effects of my condition”; Ian Turner, DM Orthotics patient.


Ian lives in Cornwall and approached DM Orthotics following his right sided brain haemorrhage that led to a stroke. He was interested in finding a way for him to gain stability with the aim of returning to work.

Ian wears the DMO® Custom Shoulder, Glove and Sock orthoses that all work together to provide proprioceptive feedback and to dampen the physical effects of his condition.

“Ian was finding it difficult to focus on his rehabilitation. We chose the DMO® Custom Shoulder, Glove and  Dorsiflex Sock as it allowed him to benefit from the proprioceptive feedback that the orthoses provide as well as enabling him to gain stability, increased strength and postural support where he needed it the most. Ian is able to work and we are all really happy with his progress to date and that we have helped him in his every day routine as well as working life”.

Dan Severn, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist